Sunday, July 6, 2008

Last Weekend of Vacation

I'd love to stay... the city calls me home, more hassles, fuss, and lies... on the phone - Morcheeba

On Saturday morning I had wanted to go to Tijuana. I decided after picking up my passport from the post office that I didn't want to go there by myself, but by the time I called Michael he and Katie had already made plans to pick up a friend to see a movie. Brian's passport just expired, so he couldn't come with me either, so rather than go to Tijuana, Brian, Jen, Matthew, and Anna Rose took me to Coronado for lunch. We had sandwiches and cheese at Terrine on the island.

San Diego Skyline San Diego Last Set 167 Coronado Beach USS George Washington

After lunch, we went back home and I drove over to Michael's house to play Wii. We bowled for a while and played some tennis. Then it was a pitcher's duel in baseball for several games. Finally we left to go to a party in the neighborhood and showed up just in time to see the food packed up and taken away to a concert. Michael and I ran to In & Out for some burgers and by the time we got back, new people had shown up with more food. Excellent!

After everyone started trickling back from the concert, Brian and Jen and the kids arrived at the party. It started to get late, so we went back to Brian's house and I packed my bags.

At 8:30am on Sunday my flight back to Detroit -- and then back to Chicago began. The bleached-blonde 19-year old girls sitting next to me on the four and a half hour flight to Detroit said, "Oh my God, this is the longest flight I've ever been on!" I told them the flight from San Francisco to Sydney is 15 hours. One of them said, "Oh my God I would die." I secretly hoped that would happen soon. I arrived back in Chicago at 5:30 CDT.

San Diego Last Set 170 San Diego Last Set 176 Cloud Sea Midway

- Andy

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